Checkpoint Zero/Inov-8 Team Blog
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A Wife's Perspective: Sending a Child to Camp or a Husband to a Race -- Same Rules Apply
posted Thursday, July 19, 2007 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 10:20 PM - 0 comments

When sending a child to camp, there is a universal rule that all parents must follow: Put your child's name on EVERYTHING.

It is a good rule. It increases the possibility that your son or daughter will come home with their own clothes, gear or toys. As the wife of an adventure racer, it would be refreshing if the same were true when Paul returns from a race. Unfortunately, that's not the case. He was still swapping gear with teammates a month after coming back from Michigan.

As a support person, having all the clothes and gear labeled is a huge help and allows me to do my job better and more efficiently. So, to that end, I searched the Internet and found the solution They've got it all. Iron-on labels for clothes and strong adhesive labels which are "resistant to oil, solvents and chemicals and adheres to all surfaces." Surely they should work on the gear.

Just as a parent would spend the week before camp ironing and adhering labels to their child's belongings, you, too, as the spouse of an adventure racer, will have to spend a week labeling all of the AR gear. (well maybe YOU won't, but I know my racer/husband isn't going to spend time with labels) It is a lot of work, but well worth it. At least when washing stinky post race bike shorts you will know whose stink it is!!

Lisa Cox


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