Team Checkpoint Zero getting a Mega Dose of Vitamin AR
posted Wednesday, September 27, 2006 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 12:18 PM -
Checkpoint Zero racers Jon Barker, Suz Falvey, Scott Pleban and Pete Spagnoli are heading off to Front Royal, Va., this week to take on the Mega Dose 2-Day adventure race Sept. 29 - Oct. 1.
Jon and Diane Barker, along with team mascot Monty, are leaving Atlanta for Virginia Thursday.
According to Front Royal's Website, the town originally was called LeHewtown (after Peter LeHew, a French Huguenot who purchased 200 acres there in 1754).
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Jon and Diane Barker, along with team mascot Monty, are leaving Atlanta for Virginia Thursday.
According to Front Royal's Website, the town originally was called LeHewtown (after Peter LeHew, a French Huguenot who purchased 200 acres there in 1754).
See, reading this blog is fun and educational.