Checkpoint Zero/Inov-8 Team Blog
presented by Inov-8

We got our fix and then some
posted Monday, April 23, 2007 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 10:26 PM - 0 comments

Team Checkpoint Zero / GoLite (Michele Hobson, Peter Jolles, Tim Abbott, and me) just got back from the two-day Odyssey Endorphin Fix this past weekend in Canaan Valley, West Virginia. Initial results put us in first place in the premier co-ed division and second overall. We crossed the finish line with fellow Atlanta racer and soloist Bryan Goble of Team Enduraventure, who was given first-place overall after time credits were added. The Southeast represented well!

I'd say the event did well to live up to its billing as the "toughest two-day race in the country." It featured long climb after long climb, a beautiful rappel and Via Ferrata, and an entertaining paddle on the Potomac.

Bryan emailed me this from about a portion of the race's big orienteering section, which took us 12 hours to finish: "Mount Porte Crayon is notorious for its inclement weather and strong winds. The prevailing westerly winds are so severe, they have deformed the red spruce trees, causing branches to grow on only one side. The summit itself is very isolated and difficult to access. Even the best routes require a two day hike. The last half-mile to the summit is a bushwack. Mount Porte Crayon is for experienced hikers only and should not be underestimated.

That pretty much says it all. I'll post a race report later this week.

- Paul

What does Forrest Gump and CP12B at the Blue Ridge Adventure Race have in common?
posted Thursday, April 19, 2007 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 4:17 PM - 0 comments

"AR is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"

"Stupid is as stupid does"

"That's all I've gotto say about that"


E-Fix'n to go crazy
posted Wednesday, April 18, 2007 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 3:25 PM - 0 comments

The Checkpoint Zero team is feverishly preparing for this weekends Endorphin Fix in Davis West Virgina. It promises to be cold weather at night and challenging course on which we will no doubt we will be subjected to wonderful renditions of Paul's favorite trail artist, John Denver. I can hear it now:

Country roads, take me home
To the place I belong
West virginia, mountain momma
Take me home, country roads
(Repeat until you can't take it any more)

So, if you happen to be in the area and hear something that sounds like, well, not like John Denver, it might just be us. If you aren't in the area, be sure to check us out on Checkpoint Tracker and cheer on your favorite team!


Blue Ridge Adventure Race
posted Tuesday, April 10, 2007 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 9:54 AM - 0 comments

After reading the regulations governing the type of "watercraft" permitted in the race: Canoe Segment: Canoe (any type watercraft large enough to accommodate all three team members and gear, and propelled only by the participants, will be permitted), the Checkpoint Zero / GoLite R&D team have been feverishly working day and night and are happy to unveil the team's craft for this race.


A wife's perspective: Thank you, Tecnu!
posted Thursday, April 05, 2007 by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 12:59 PM - 0 comments

Well, I thought I was one of the lucky few ... one of those people who isn't allergic to poison ivy. After 39 years of camping, hiking and yard work, I had never gotten poison ivy, poison oak or poison sumac. It wasn’t because I had made a point of avoiding those poisons. Heck, I didn't even really know what they looked like. I had just heard some rumblings about "leaves of three, let them be." And then, it happened. Days before the Checkpoint Zero Race in Helen, Ga., I found some really cool ivy growing up an old tree in my new back yard. So, I pulled it down. It was so cool that I even showed it to my son Henry. HUGE mistake!

The 90 degree weather at the CPO race really brought out the rash on both of our bodies and we were miserable. Then Tecnu came to the rescue. There were samples of their poison ivy wash in every racer and volunteer schwag bag. Generous folks loaded us up with the stuff and our itching was relieved. THANK YOU RACERS, VOLUNTEERS and TECNU!

I have seen a lot more of that "cool ivy" growing up our trees and even in the flower beds. I do feel a little better prepared since we now have a cabinet at home stocked with Tecnu outdoor skin cleanser and a picture of poison ivy, oak and sumac. Hopefully, we are ready for the summer ahead.

Lisa Cox

P.S.: Now Paul has THE IVY!

Ever had your blood lactate levels tested?
posted by Team Checkpoint Zero @ 9:18 AM - 0 comments

Checkpoint Zero / GoLite team captain Jon Barker did last week. What an interesting and eye opening test! To cut a long story short, avoiding the gory and boringly technical details, I now have the "go ahead" to consume copious quantities of simple sugars when I train and race (i.e tons of chocolate).


What am I going to do when I quit this sport?
